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Exponents and Logarithms work well together because they "undo" each other (so long as the base "a" is the same).

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Q: How are the properties of exponents and logarithms related?
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Related questions

Are logarithms and exponents equal?


How do exponents help in math?

Exponents can simplify very ugly math problems and their relation to logarithms makes them invaluable. FYI logarithms were invented before exponents.

How do you undo exponents?

Take logarithms?

When does Exponents used to solve a math problem?

common logarithms, natural logarithms, monatary calculations, etc.

What is the inverse operation for exponents?

logarithms. If y = ax then x = logay

What is the natural logarithms in mathematics?

Natural logarithms are logarithms to base e, where e is the transcendental number which is roughly equal to 2.71828. One of its properties is that the slope (derivative) of the graph of ex at any point is also ex.

What are the rules governing real numbers?

There are many. There are those that deal with the four basic binary operations, then there are rules governing exponents and logarithms.

What are the rules governing of real numbers?

There are many. There are those that deal with the four basic binary operations, then there are rules governing exponents and logarithms.

When were logarithms developed?

Michael Stifel published his discovery of logarithms in 1544. John Napier publicly propounded the method of logarithms in 1614. For more details see related link.

Multiplication properties of exponents?

ummm........ i forget

Who invented properties of exponents?

Edvard Larouge

What are exponents and logarithms use for?

Once you understand the concepts, you will find it easier to both. Hope you find the recommended web sites useful. Good luck!