you can not always make it a whole number, but you divide the numerator,(top number) by the denominator(bottom number) and you answer tells you the percent ex. 3/4=.75 which means that 3 is 75% of 4
i means imaginary number or what you would find the square root of to make -1
A Closed Circle means that that number is INCLUDED in the line of numbers. An OPEN circle means the line of numbers go up to the given number , BUT does NOT include the given number.
If you have a number x, then twice that number is 2*x and so the expression means 42 - 2*x
I must change your description to read " ... 3 times as much as ... ".Then the equation is 0.33 N = 3 x (0.17 N) . The equation has no solution. That means that no numbercan make the equation a true statement.
The affix "miss-" typically means "wrongly" or "badly" when added to a word, and can imply failure or error. For example, "misunderstand" means to understand incorrectly, and "misjudge" means to make an incorrect judgment.
it means not to miss a bit it means not to miss a bit
"I miss"================It means I miss you but doesn't make sense in German.Verpassen means to miss in the sense of fail to meet, e.g. Wenn wir uns nicht beeilen werden wir den Zug verpassen - If we don't hurry up we'll miss the train
Miss Vietnam did not make the top 15, and was not "placed" in an order. She will be listed only as a Contestant, and not assigned a number or placement.
it means, I miss kissing you.
It means miss as in miss brown or miss Washington
It means "I Miss You Baby"
I miss you means tu me manques
It means "I miss you" in Indonesian.
'I love you' means "Mahal Kita" in tagalog and 'I miss you' means "Nami-miss kita" or "Miss Kita" -I'm a filipino and I'm very sure of my answer=)
Mancare is one of a number of Italian equivalents of the English infinitive "to miss."Specifically, the Italian word is an infinitive. It means "to miss" in the sense of "to feel the absence, lack or loss of." The pronunciation is "mahn-KAH-reh."
it means not to miss a bit it means not to miss a bit