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if the slopes are steep and if it rains the rain will quickly travel down the slope and into the river- if it rains a lot eventually a flood would be caused because the river cannot take too much water- a way to prevent this is too build a dam there so the water can go down to the river at a slow pace. :)

hope this helps a lot

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Q: How can steep slopes cause flooding?
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A high uplifted area with steep slopes?

A mountain is a high, uplifted area with steep slopes. Mountains are large elevated area that rises from level ground. They are large and steep hills.

Do steep slopes Lead more chemical or mechanical physical weathering?

Steep slopes tend to lead more to mechanical physical weathering compared to chemical weathering. This is because the rapid movement of water due to gravity on steep slopes can cause physical breakdown of rocks through processes like erosion, frost wedging, and mass wasting. Chemical weathering, which involves the alteration of rock composition through chemical reactions, may still occur but may be relatively less prominent on steep slopes.

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fear of stairs or steep slopes

Do most mountains have slopes?

Most mountains have slopes, but some aren't very steep.

How can heavy rains in the mountain cause flooding?

Heavy rains in the mountains can lead to flooding because the steep slopes cannot absorb the excess water quickly enough, causing it to flow downhill rapidly. This sudden rush of water can overwhelm rivers and streams, leading to overflow and flooding downstream areas. Additionally, the heavy rain can saturate the soil, increasing the risk of landslides and further exacerbating flooding.

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Broad platforms cut into steep slopes used for planting crops are terraces.

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