

Best Answer

1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

the sq. root of 1/4 = 1/2

in decimals:

0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25

the sq. root of 0.25 = 0.5

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Q: How can the square root of a fraction be greater than the given number?
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How can the square root of a fraction be greater than the given fraction?


How do you find a greater fraction?

Add a positive number - fraction or integer - to the given fraction.

What number is an important fraction always greater then?

There is no such number. Given any number, there is sure to be an important fraction that is smaller.

Will the square root of a given whole number ever be greater than the given number?


Describe how to write a fraction greater than 1 as a mixed number?

Given an improper fraction (a fraction greater than 1), we divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient is the whole number part of the mixed number. The remainder is the numerator of the fraction part. The denominator is the same as the denominator of the original fraction. For example: Given the fraction 17/5. 17 divided by 5 is 3 with a remainder of 2. The answer is 3 2/5.

How do you you find a equilavent fraction?

Choose any integer greater than 1. Multiply the numerator as well as the denominator of a given fraction by the chosen number. You will now have a new fraction that is equivalent to the old one.

When you multiply a fraction times a fraction the product will be smaller than either factor Why?

When you multiply two numbers greater than one, you create many groups of a given number, so the result is greater than either the number of groups or the number you created many groups of. When you multiply a number by a number less than one, you create less than one group of a given number. If you create only part of one group of a given number, it makes sense that the result will be less than the number you started with.

What is an amount of given as a whole number and a fraction?

A mixed number or a mixed fraction.

An amount given as a whole number and a fraction?

It is a mixed fraction.

Why is the square root of a fraction greater than the given fraction?

You mean a proper fraction (less than 1). Multiply anything by less than 1 and you will make it smaller. Therefore the square root of your result is bigger than the start value. For numbers bigger than one it's the other way round.

Is a factor of a given number always greater than the given number?


How do you get the number from a given fraction?

divide it