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Q: Will the square root of a given whole number ever be greater than the given number?
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What is a value that can be multiplied by itself to give the original whole number?

A square root is multiplied by itself to get a given whole number.

Is a mixed number always greater than a whole number explain?

No.The mixed number 21/2, for example, is greater than the whole number 2, but smaller than the whole number 3.In fact, given any mixed number (which does have a fractional part), it is always possible to find a pair of consecutive whole numbers such that the mixed number is between them.

What is the easiest way to figure out the square root of a whole number?

By finding two same numbers that when multiplied together equals the given whole number

What is a whole number that is greater than 0?

A counting number is a whole number that is greater than zero.A positive integer is a whole number greater than zero.

A number that is square of a whole number?

A perfect square is a rational number equal to the square of a whole number.

Is the square root 16 a whole number or the opposite of a whole number?

The square root of 16 is 4 which is a whole number.

A product of a given whole number and another whole number?

A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers

Which is greater 1.01 or 0.98?

1.01 because its a whole number

When is the square root of a whole number rational?

When the whole number is a perfect square, ie it is a whole number squared.

Which is greater the greatest whole hnumber with 5 digits or the whole number wit 6 digits?

which is greater, whole number with 5 digits or the whole number with 6 digits?

What is the smallest whole number greater than 100 with three factors?

That would be the square of a prime number, in this case, 11 x 11 = 121.

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