The earliest known use of algebra was as far back as the ancient Egyptians, but the earliest written work on the subject was by and Alexandrian named Diophantus in AD 350. It had been used for many years afterwards but was not named until about AD 820. A certain Arab named Al-Khwarizmi wrote a book entitled Al-jebr wa'lmuqābala from which algebra received its name. Reference: E. F. Bozman, M. A. (1967) Everyman's Encyclopaedia, Volume 1 [A-BA], London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd
It was named after the title of one of Al Khwarizmi's books called Al Jabr, which means the addition of one thing to another.
The word "algebra" is named after the Arabic word "al-jabr" from the title of the book al-Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa-l-muqābala, meaning The book of Summary Concerning Calculating by Transposition and Reduction, a book written by the Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-khwārizmī in 820. The word Al-Jabr means "reunion". The Hellenistic mathematician Diophantus has traditionally been known as "the father of algebra" but debate now exists as to whether or not Al-Khwarizmi should take that title.
Algebra, just like the name itself, comes from the arabic countries in the middle east
A book written in Arabic called " Al-jebr w'al-mugabalah" is where algebra got its name. The beginning of this name, Al-jebr, is obviously its origin and means "the reunion of broken parts".
It's from Arabic. For more information, use the link provided to the Wikipedia article on algebra.
Albert Einstein
You need to name a specific page in that book.
The name of the horse was "Algebra" .
The origin of the name algebra is from the Arabic word Aljabr.
An Arab that is called by his last name Algebra, also made Algebra
Algebra, just like the name itself, comes from the arabic countries in the middle east
Usually algebra.
Boolean Algebra
Not sure how to answer your question, however i know that the name Algebra came fom an Arabic name which was the person who started Algebra as we call it guy...