Algebra 2 is not just a repeat of algebra, you are still studying the form of math called algebra but algebra is a wide topic and in Algebra 2 your simply getting into the more advanced aspects of that topic.
Algebra, just like the name itself, comes from the arabic countries in the middle east
My Teacher said in the begining of pre calculus it is baisically algebra 3 and geometry 2. pre calc algebra is more complicated than basic algebra. however pre calc uses that basic algebra in solving problems. so all in all, they are just different levels of algebra
They are the same thing but when you go into Algebra 1a, its like part one, and there is a part b, and just algebra 1 is the same thing, but not in two parts. Some schools offer a two-year course that covers algebra 1 in two years. in this case, algebra 1a is less advanced than algebra 1, since the pace is only half as fast.
It is not hard compared to college algebra. pre-calc just incorporates topics you have learned so far uo to college algebra and introduces a few more. if you did well in algebra, you should do well in pre-calc.
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Like a Nervous Rex. I have no clue :P
YES! If you can't do algebra, you won't last ten seconds in trigonometry. It basically is algebra, just using equations within equations.
You can't undo algebra, you just can do it.
In many schools, geometry comes before algebra 2. You can ask your school if you can take geo online or at your own time. If you plan to take algebra 2 and trig, it is helpful to take geo.
Probably not much; of course you'll learn new things (just as you did in algebra), but they will be introduced gradually (just as they were in algebra).
Pre-algebra is where you just learn the basics of Algebra and Algebra two is way more advanced with new information and taking the concepts you learned in pre-algebra and algebra to the next level.
Algebra 2 is not just a repeat of algebra, you are still studying the form of math called algebra but algebra is a wide topic and in Algebra 2 your simply getting into the more advanced aspects of that topic.
Its math that you should have learned in elementary school...just kidding. Its basic algebra.
It actually is its just that 1b is more in depth of 1a
A T-rex is a dinosaur.They are very ferocious.This dinasaur is a Late Cretaceous.They are carnivore.They are huge!They are quite fast for dinosaurs.they could die by just falling over