Assuming you want to use fractions in your equation, let's use an example: 5/7 + 10/7
Basically, you don't want it to divide the numbers first then add, because they are supposed to be fractions. Therefore you press the parentheses key and type: "5" "divide" "7" then the close parentheses sign. And you continue on, using the parentheses whenever you are symbolizing fractions.
However, if you want to make your answer into a fraction.. it's a lot easier. Simply input whatever you are solving and then press enter. After wards, press the "MATH" key and enter when FRAC is highlighted. It should be #1. And there you have it, using fractions on TI-84 Plus Silver Edition :)
42 + 42 = 84
Click the 2ND button and then hit the + button. Then a menu called "Memory" should come up. Click on "Clear Entries" and it will bring that up on the screen. But then you need to press enter in order to clear the data,so click enter. Then it will have it all deleted and you can click the clear button to get off the screen or click 2ND and the MODE button to do the same thing.
Pull the Batteries Out...
The TI 84 Plus Silver Edition has a replaceable cover which you can have a different color on. And it also has a larger capacity for memory.
It is an improvement upon previous models of calculators, and the Silver Edition is just a fancy way of saying it is better. The TI 84 plus Silver Edition is a graphing calculator with a relatively large memory capacity and relatively fast processor.
press the "2nd" button, and then press "On"
Some of the features of the TI-83 Plus, are: upgradable operating system and software; preloaded apps; compatible with TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
The t1-84+ has the addition of a usb cable and preloaded apps.
One can purchase a TI 84 Plus Silver Edition from the following shops: Amazon, Calculators Direct, eBay, Walmart, Target, eBuyer, Staples, Best Buy, to name a few.
Most probably, you need new batteries!
Perhaps you have to change the battery. It is also possible that the calculator is damaged.
This is like asking how people work. You should be more specific if you want a good answer.
(5/12) + (3/7) = (35/84) + (36/84) = 71/84