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You just divide the circles into 4 parts

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Q: How do you find the 4 equal parts of a circle?
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How do you find the angle of a circle divided into 8 equal parts?

There are 2pi in a circle. If we divide a circle into 8 equal parts, then each part will be pi/4, [(2pi)/8].

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Quarter circle

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step 1: make a circle with a compass step 2: divide the circle into 4 equal parts step 3: draw curved lines

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How do you describe the parts of a fraction to children?

You draw a circle, and divide it into several equal parts - for example, 4 equal parts. Then you select some of those parts - for example, 3, by drawing them in some special color or shading them. Using a circle is convenient, because then, even if you divide it into pieces, it is visually quite clear that it is part of something greater.

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What fraction piece when used twice will cover four sixths of a circle?

Using a fraction piece with a denominator of 6, we need to find a fraction that, when repeated twice, will cover 4 out of 6 equal parts of a circle. Since 4 out of 6 is equivalent to 2 out of 3, the fraction piece we need is 2/3.

How do you divide a circle into 7 parts?

Make a horizontal line and vertical line through the circle. You now have 4 parts. Make a line from the center to the edge of the circle in 3 of these parts and you now have 7 parts.

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28 can be split equally into: 2 equal parts of 14 each 4 equal parts of 7 each 7 equal parts of 4 each 14 equal parts of 2 each

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What fraction of a circle is equal to an angle of 90?

One quarter of a circle is equal to 90 degrees. 360 / 4 = 90 or 1/4 x 360 = 90