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Same as any average. Add all the fractions and divide them by the amount of fractions

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Q: How do you find the average of a mixed fraction?
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How do you find how many fifths are there in a mixed fraction?

Multiply the mixed fraction by 5.

How do you find the average in minutes and second s?

Convert all the observations into seconds.Find their average.Divide the answer by 60 into a mixed fraction.Then, integer part of mixed fraction = minutes.Fractional part = seconds.

How can you change a mixed fraction into an improper fraction related to a chef?

Find it out yourself

How do you find an improper fraction of a mixed number?

If the mixed number is x y/z then the improper fraction is (xz + y)/z

How do you add a mixed number and an improper fraction?

I wouldconvert both to improper fraction,find a common multiple (CM),calculate equivalent fraction with CM as the denominator,add the numerators,change the improper fraction to a mixed fraction, if required,simplify the fractional part of the mixed fraction - if appropriate and required.

How do you add a negative fraction to a mixed fraction?

To add a negative fraction to a mixed fraction, first convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Then, find a common denominator for both fractions. Next, add the numerators and keep the common denominator. Finally, simplify the resulting fraction if needed. If the negative fraction has a smaller absolute value than the mixed fraction, you may need to borrow or regroup to ensure proper subtraction.

How do you find the multiplicative inverse of mixed numbers?

change it to an improper fraction and then do it

How do you find the inverse of a mixed number?

change it to an improper fraction and then divide it

How do you find a fraction or mixed number between 2 fractions or mixed number?

Add them together and divide the answer by 2.

What is 175 as a decimal and a mixed fraction?

175: as a decimal = 175.0 as a mixed fraction = Ideally, it can't be converted into a mixed fraction.

How do you compare a decimal to a mixed number?

First you convert the decimal into a mixed-number/fraction. Then you have to find the common denominator and compare.

What consists of a whole number and a fraction?

A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.