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You measure the change in the vertical direction (rise) per unit change in the horizontal direction (run).

The rate of change is constant between A and B if AB is a straight line.

Take any two points, A = (xa, ya) and B = (xb, yb)

then the average rate of change, between A and B = (yb- ya)/(xb- xa).

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Q: How do you find the constant rate of change on graph?
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How do you tell whether a graph shows a constant or variable rate of change?

The slope of each point on the line on the graph is the rate of change at that point. If the graph is a straight line, then its slope is constant. If the graph is a curved line, then its slope changes.

How can one determine the rate constant from a graph?

To determine the rate constant from a graph, you can use the slope of the line in a first-order reaction plot. The rate constant is equal to the negative slope of the line, which can be calculated by dividing the change in concentration by the change in time.

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If the graph is a non-vertical straight line, then the rate of change is constant. If the line is curved, then the rate of change (slope) varies.

What is constant rate of change?

When something has a constant rate of change it means that it has a linear graph. The function can be written in the slope intercept form of y = mx + b.

How to find the constant rate of change?

To find the constant rate of change is by taking the final minus initial over the initial.

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Find the derivative

How do you locate rate of change on a graph?

Find the slope of the tangent to the graph at the point of interest.

How do you find the rate of change from graphs?

Differentiate the graph with respect to time.

How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

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You find the average rate of change of the function. That gives you the derivative on different points of the graph.

What does the graph of acceleration vs. time look for something going constant velocity?

a horizontal line

How do you determine if a rate of change is constant?

You can determine if a rate of change is constant, by taking the instantaneous rate of change at multiple points - if they are all equal to each other, it can be assumed that the rate of change is constant. Alternatively, you can differentiate the function (if there is an associated function) - if this comes to a constant i.e. a number, then the rate of change is constant.