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To rewrite the formula that became a victim of character stripping: 1+2+3+...+n-1+n = n(n+1)/2 Here's an intuitive way of seeing why the formula is true (though it won't constitute a formal proof): Usually, you calculate an average by adding all the numbers in a list together, and dividing by how many numbers there are. This means that if you have the average, and multiply this by how many numbers there are, you'll get the sum. Because the series increases in constant steps, the average is halfway between the start (1) and the end (n): it's (n+1)/2. There are n numbers from 1 to n. So we multiply the average by how many numbers there are, we get the sum: n(n+1)/2. This isn't the way the formula is proved by mathematicians, because it's not very easy to make rigorous, but actual proofs of the formula don't give an intuition. The easiest ways to prove that the sum is n(n+1)/2 all rely on knowing the formula beforehand. For example, you can check that n(n+1)/2 is really n more than the sum of the first n-1 numbers, which is n(n-1)/2 by the same formula. This means that IF the formula works for n-1, it works for n too. This allows us to prove it works for all values, providing we can check it for one starting value, such as n=1.

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Q: How do you get SUM for series S 1 2 3 n-1 n Equals S n n 1 2 I want to understand how the above formula is arrived at.?
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Next number in series 7 11 19 35?

The next number in the series is 67.

What is the difference between a algebraic equation and a algebraic expression and a formula?

An equation is a statement that two (preferably different) expressions are EQUAL to each other (hence EQUAtion) An expression is series of numbers, variables, and operations which makes mathematical sense. (when I say "makes mathematical sense" I simply mean that "5x + -/* -2" would not count as an expression since you have a subtraction sign divided by a multiplication sign) Since an equals sign is not a number, variable, NOR an operation, you canNOT have an equals sign in a single expression (that would turn it into an equation). For example... Equation: 3x + 2 = 9/x - 7 Expression: 3x + 2 or Expression: 9/x - 7 Note how the equation serves to join two different expressions together. An expression alone cannot provide any useful information (in general). Rather, an equation is needed in order to draw useful mathematical conclusions.

What is a febinachy?

A Fibonacci Series is a series of numbers, each of which is made by adding together the previous two....The most famous Fibonacci Series is 1, 1, 2, 3 5, 8, 13, 21, 34...

How do you change a column chart ao a pie chart?

Not all column charts can be converted to pie charts. It can only be done if the column chart has a single series, as a pie chart can only have one series. If the column chart has more than one series, only one series will be shown when it becomes a pie chart. If the column chart has a single series then going to the Chart menu and choosing Chart type will enable you to change it.

What is a series of steps that results in the solution to a problem?

.The series of steps that result in the solution to a problem is called the solving process. The first step in the process is identifying the cause

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