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Normally on the Cartesian plane using as for example the straight line equation y = mx+c whereas m is the gradient or slope and c is the y intercept.

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Q: How do you graph using the rate of change and initial value?
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Is slope the same as initial value?

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Percentage change: 6.0% increase.

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The starting value for the range of values in a given set of calculations. If you plot the graph of y = x^2 between -10 and +10 the stating value is -10 (minus 10).

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200 + 15% = 200*(1.15) = 230

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The change in the y-value over the x-value, the slope, m, (y1-y2)/(x1-x2).

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A linear equation is an equation in the format y=mx+b, with y being the y-value in a data set, x being the x-value in a data set, m being the constant rate of change(also known as slope, which can be found on a graph by using rise/run, and can be found on a table as the change in y/the change in x) and b is the y-intercept(the value of y when x is 0 aka the starting point). All linear equations appear as a straight line on a graph.

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An ordered value bar graph is a value bar graph in which data values are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order of length.