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Q: How can you use a table graph or equationto find a value if the other value?
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What is value of table?

A table you make to find the coordinates to graph.

What is a frequency table in mathematics?

Mathematics frequency table is a graph that is used for data value. This makes it easier for things to be graded.

What is a useful way of finding the value of a variable?

Reading a table, drawing a graph, drawing a diagram, and writing a equation.

What relationship does a linear graph shows?

A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.

How do you graph a function without a table?

Suppose you have a function f, of a variable X. You select a value for X, say x. Calculate the value of f(x) that is, the value of the function when X takes that value x. Then, instead of writing the result in a table, mark the point [x, f(x)] on the coordinate plane. Repeat with other values for X and join up the points.

How can you find coordinates on a line graph?

Select any value for one of the variables in the graph and solve the equation to get the other variable.

What is the difference of a histogram and a table?

A histogram is a graph that for a given set of data show you how many times a certain range of values appears and how it compares to the frequency of ranges of values. A table on the other hand relates two unique sets of numbers, and shows how a value in one set corresponds to values in the other.

How do you graph an equation in function form?

I would set up a table of values and calculate several of the values of the variables (I would try to calculate the "interesting" values setting one to zero and calculating the other(s), guessing at a maximum or minimum value etc. Then I would plot the values on graph paper.

What is ordered value bar graph?

An ordered value bar graph is a value bar graph in which data values are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order of length.

How do you find range in a graph?

Take the largest value in the graph and subtract the smallest value from it.

What is a Value Bar Graph?

a graph that shows the data.

What is a root in a polynomial graph?

A root is the value of the variable (usually, x) for which the polynomial is zero. Equivalently, a root is an x-value at which the graph crosses the x-axis.