Radical...Apex :)
To identify the slope in a linear equation, rearrange the equation into the form y = mx + b. The term m is the slope.
First, get the radical by itself. Then, square both sides of the equation. Then just solve the rest.
APEx false
(x - 3) (x - square root of 2) = 0
Technically,no. A radical equation has a radical (Square root) in it, and has two solutions because the square root can be positive or negative.
Radical...Apex :)
the index in a radical equation appears above and left of the root symbol and tells you what kind of root the radicand is.
A radical equation is an equation that contains a variable inside a radical, such as a square root or a cube root. Solving radical equations involves isolating the radical term and then squaring both sides of the equation to eliminate the radical. It is important to check for extraneous solutions when solving radical equations.
Square both sides of the equation to get rid of the radical sign. Then just solve as you normally would. Good luck! :-)
radical equations have sq roots, cube roots etc. Quadratic equations have x2.
It often helps to isolate the radical, and then square both sides. Beware of extraneous solutions - the new equation may have solutions that are not part of the solutions of the original equation, so you definitely need to check any purported solutions with the original equation.
When in doubt always square both sides of the equation.
The first step is produce the radical equation that needs solving.
secret lang
What square root property is essential to solve any radical equation involving square root?
To identify the slope in a linear equation, rearrange the equation into the form y = mx + b. The term m is the slope.