Algebra 1 half is easier than pre-algebra. Although students in school might learn the same concepts, Pre- Algebra covers everything faster. Maybe even the whole book (more than 696 pages) in 1 school year. Algebra 1 half covers about half of the book in one school year.
Where I live in Florida, a gifted honors class would learn in 8th grade, a regular honors class would learn in 8th grade(like myself), and normally you would learn Algebra 1 in 9th grade. I live in Maine, but I just moved from New Jersey. In both places, normally, kids would do Algebra 1 in 8th grade. If they aren't too good at math, then they would do it in 9th grade, and if they are advanced, then they would do it in 7th grade. Where I live in Cali, most of our students in my school in 8th grade would learn algebra 1 and others will learn pre-algebra. This year in Cali, every 8th grade levels from other schools would take Algebra 1. So it used to be 9th graders who would learn Algebra 1. Our percentage results were pretty high compared to other schools who took it. Where i live in Pennsylvania, we do algebra 1 in 8th grade A class, pre-algebra in 8th B class, Algebra 1 in 8th Independent class (which is like the highest you can get into), finish Algebra 1 in 8th A class, and finish pre-algebra in 8th B class. I was in the 7th grade A class and the 8th grade Independent class, cause I was a freakin' genius and got straight A's every trimester of every grade. I go to a private school, and most private school classes are naturally ahead of the public school systems'. In 7th grade, I took Pre-Algebra and now as I'm in eighth grade I take Algebra 1 and 2 and have a test every other week. But usually, as said before, Algebra 1 is normally taken by ninth grade students in public school =) The order in middle school through high school... that i know of in Maryland... is math 6, math 7, pre-alebra, algebra 1, honers geometry, algebra 2, and so on. You can also be advanced, when I was in 8th grade, I took Algebra 1, and my friend took honers geometry, but usually you learn Algebra is learned in 9th grade. at my school everyone does pre-algebra in 7th grade algebra 1 in 8th geometry in 9th and algebra 2 in 10th I'm taking algebra 1 right now, and I'm in the 8th grade. i think I'm in an advanced math class tho, and at this place, most people take it 9th grade.
Yes, most of it is review, but you still learn more than before. And they obviously give you longer harder problems.
The same thing you learned in Pre-Algerbra, the EXACT same thing......but that was just My school
Some 7th graders do Algebra, but 8th graders are supposed to.
learn it from the teacher!!!!! :)
the grade that you learn algebra 1 is in the 7th and 8th grade. they split it to two parts algebra A and then Algebra B
about 9 or 10
Geometry is like a block from Algebra 1 to Algebra 2 and it contributes by teaching you the basics of the things you will learn in Algebra 2.
The grade during which kids learn algebra varies. My first-grade grandson was learning pre-algebra in kindergarten.
well at my school our sixth graders learn pre algebra allready so i would say algebra part 1
It isn't; the algebra 1 and 2 that you get taught in middle or high school is elementary algebra. When (if you want to) you get into more advanced algebra, you can learn linear algebra (matrix algebra) and abstract algebra (which involves sets, operations on sets, groups, and many more concepts), and probably several more types of algebra I've never heard of.
It depends on what the school prefers. I would think that 9th graders in a school for kids with learning disabilities normally learn Pre-Algebra, or Algebra 1. For a 9th grade class in a mainstream school, I would think that most 9th graders would learn Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, or Trigonometry. I would think that Trigonometry is mostly for gifted 9th graders.
Mainly algebra.
Yes. Definitely.
Algebra 1 half is easier than pre-algebra. Although students in school might learn the same concepts, Pre- Algebra covers everything faster. Maybe even the whole book (more than 696 pages) in 1 school year. Algebra 1 half covers about half of the book in one school year.
No, Pre-Algebra is a little bit less complicated, it is what you learn before algebra.