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They are other proportions.

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Q: How do you name the cross products of proportions?
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How do you figure out proportions?

you use cross proportions. Ex: X 3 __________ = _______ 15 5 1. write the cross products 2. Multiply 5x=45 3. Think: What number times 5 equals 45? your answer is 9 OTHER: X=9

What are some characteristics of proportions?

Proportions show a relationship between two equal ratios. They maintain equality when both sides are multiplied or divided by the same number. In a proportion, the cross-products are always equal.

How do you use proportions using cross multiplication to find 2.80?

2.80 is 2.80: you do not need to ise proportions or anything to "find" it!

Are the cross products of a proportion equal?

Yes, here's how you can show it, for the equivalent proportions a/b & (n*a)/(n*b): a na -=-- b nb Cross multiply: a*n*b ? b*n*a. Because multiplication is commutative, the question mark is an equal sign.

How do you find proportions set equal to 2.80 using cross multiplication?

x/y= 2.8

The cross products of a proportion are equal Always Sometimes or Never?

The cross products of proportion are NEVER in cross formative. so the Mathematical... or ANY answer is... NEVER NEVER NEVER the answer is NEVER NEVER! if u have an account on moshi monsters please add me! my name is eatblueberries thank you!

What is the Means-Extremes Product Property of Proportions?

The means-extreme property of proportions is the method that allows you to cross multiply an equation to find the answer. An example would be, if a/b = c/d then ad = bc.

How do you solve proportions using cross products?

say it is 1 over 2 is equal to x over 4 you multiply 4 and 1 then 2 and x and you get 4=2x. Solve for x = 2. So the equivalent proportion is 2/4.

What happens to the cross products when the terms of a proportion are cross multiplied?

The cross product is created.

What tells reactants products physical state and proportions of each substance in a chemical reaction?

A chemical equation

What is the name of the chemical law?

For example the law of definite proportions.

The proportions of the reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction are shown by the what in the balanced equation describing the reaction?

The coefficients in a balanced chemical equation show the proportions of the reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. Each coefficient represents the number of moles of each substance in the reaction.