The means-extreme property of proportions is the method that allows you to cross multiply an equation to find the answer. An example would be, if a/b = c/d then ad = bc.
The relative proportions of each reactant and product.
Zero Product Property
The associative property
There are many properties of multiplication. There is the associative property, identity property and the commutative property. There is also the zero product property.
The multiplicative property, probably.
Identity Property
A product characteristic is an attribute or property of the product that describes the product's ability to satisfy its purpose in a larger system.
Miscibility is the property of substances to intermix in all proportions, forming a homogeneous solution of those substances. As no chemical reactions between those substances happen as they go into solution with each other, miscibility must be a physical property.
The property is the commutative property of multiplication, which states that changing the order of the factors does not change the product.
The Identity property of multiplication
Identity Property
Identity Property of one