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FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. It is the order of operations to solve equations like (2x+3)(3x+2).

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Q: How do you use the FOIL technique in Algebra?
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How do you use algebra tiles to multiply two binomials?

Explain how I would use algebra times to multiply two binomials (FOIL)?

Why can't you use FOIL to multiply a binomial?

you can. i am in algebra II and that's what i was taught

The foil method is used for?

The foil method in algebra is used to "multiply linear binomials."The FOIL method is used in elementary algebra as a guide for solving algebraic problems.

When do you use foil method?

You use it in math, especially in algebra 1. The F.O.I.L method is like the distributive property basically.

What is a FOIL Algebra?

It means: First, Outers, Inners, Last and is the order of operations when multiplying out bracket in algebra

Which countries use algebra?

Every country uses algebra at least to some extent; it is a basic mathematical technique. No doubt it is used more in some countries than in others.

What does foil stand for in algebra?

First outer inner last(in that order).

What does the term foil helps you do in algebra?

It stands for first, outside, inside, last.

How do you solve formulas for specified variables?

The technique is known as algebra.

Does foil or saran wrap work better for dying hair?

Foil is typically used for hair highlighting as it provides more even and intense color results by trapping heat. Saran wrap can be used for a balayage technique or when a less intense color result is desired as it does not trap heat as effectively as foil. Ultimately, the choice between foil and saran wrap depends on the desired hair coloring technique and result.

In the technique called foil for what word does the letter l stand for?


What is the foil method?

The FOIL Method is a process used in algebra to multiply two binomials.f= first termso= outer termsi= inner termsl= last terms