

Why use algebra?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 16y ago

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We use algebra to predict things.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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Do scientists use algebra?

yes.Yup. Scientists use algebra all the time, no question. Even biologists.

What jobs use algebra?

An Algebra Teacher

Who uses algebra?

Many people use Algebra, like doctors, builders, archetecs. Many people with good jobs use Algebra so that's why its is very important to learn Algebra. You truly use it in the future when you grow up.Algebraists use algebra.

How do meteorologists use algebra?

They use algebra because they eat pineapple pie.

What do you use to stand for numbers in algebra?

You use variables to stand for numbers in algebra

When do you use a semicolon in algebra?

Well, according to what I learned when I was in Algebra I, you should never have to use a semicolon.

How do vets use algebra at work?

by usinf algebra at work i dont no

When will you use algebra in real life?

You could use algebra in real life in nearly anything that you do. You could use algebra to calculate how much gas you will put in your car and how much it will cost you.

What country was the first to use algebra?

Since algebra was developed during the Abbasid dynasty by Al-Khawarizmi, the people of the Abbasid dynasty were the first to use algebra.

Why do you use algebra?

We use algebra for many reasons and one of them is for replacing knowm values into unknown values

How scientists use algebra?

scientists use algebra becausethey are nerds, they like Pears and have pet boomerangs

How do scientists use algebra?

scientists use algebra becausethey are nerds, they like pears and have pet boomerangs