Well, honey, 355 is already a whole number, so you can write it as a fraction by putting it over 1, like 355/1. If you want to get fancy and turn it into a mixed number, it's 355 divided by 1, which equals 355 with a remainder of 0. So, the mixed number is just 355. Hope that clears things up for ya!
The equation 355 times 46 is a math problem. The answer to this equation would be 16330.
To 8 places its value is 3.14159265. Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It's an irrational number; that means it can't be expressed as a fraction, or an exact or repeating decimal. Two convenient approximations are: Pi ≈ 22/7 = 3.142857142857142857142857... 1/Pi ≈ 113/355 (a very interesting curiosity with the first 3 odd digits!)
They are: 18 and 19
main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133
We just put our 355 over 365 (355/365). We can reduce this answer to (71/73).
The fraction is 355/113
It is: 355 = CCCLV
355 = CCCLV
355% =3.55355/10071/203 11/20
Fractional representations of irrational numbers won't be accurate. Many people have used 355/113 as a close approximation.
No. 355 is a composite number, not a prime number.
It is: 177.5 = 355/2 as a fraction in its lowest terms
355/100 = 71/20 or 311/20
355/10 = 71/2