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Write an expression consisting of up to three terms:

  • One term in which the key variable is squared,
  • one term with a multiple of the variable, and
  • a constant.

The first of these MUST be present. The three terms must be added or subtracted.

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Q: How do you write an expression in quadratic form?
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What is a quadratic expression?

A quadratic expression is an expression which is written in the form ax2+bx+c, where a, b, and c represent constants, x represents a variable, and a is not equal to 0.

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An expression is quadratic is the equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c. a, b, and c are all constants. They may be different or equal.

How did you write each quadratic equation in standard form?

readuse the answer

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you have to use F.O.I.L method to simplify it.

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An expression of the second degree can be any kind of expression, the most popular being a quadratic polynomial of the form ax^2 + bx + c.

How do you write a quadratic equation in standard form?

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That the function is a quadratic expression.

Is quadratic sequence exponential function?

No. It is a sequence for which the rule is a quadratic expression.

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What is the difference between quadratic equation and quadratic expression?

an equation has an equals sign.

How can the expression ax2 plus bx plus c be factored with work?

It's the general form of a quadratic expression and it can be factored providing its discriminant is not less than zero.