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The same way that factoring a number is different from multiplying two factors. In general, it is much easier to multiply two factors together, than to find factors that give a certain product.

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Q: How is factoring a polynomial different from multiplying two binomials?
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Related questions

What is the difference multiplying binomials with factoring polynomials into binomial factors?

It's the difference between multiplication and division. Multiplying binomials is combining them. Factoring polynomials is breaking them apart.

How do you know if you have simplified a polynomial correctly?

I suppose you mean factoring the polynomial. You can check by multiplying the factors - the result should be the original polynomial.

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How do you tell if a polynomial cannot be factored?

Try all the factoring techniques that you have been taught. If none work then it is prime (cannot be factored), try looking for (1) a greatest common factor (2) special binomials ... difference of squares, difference (or sum) of cubes (3) trinomal factoring techniques (4) other polymonials look for grouping techniques.

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Is the factor of polynomials means to rewrite it as multiplication?

Yes. Factoring a polynomial means to separate it into smaller factors, which, when multiplied together, give you the original polynomial.

What does factoring a polynomial mean?

It means finding numbers (constant terms), or polynomials of the same or smaller order that multiply together to give the original polynomial.

How do you solve a factoring polynomials problem if there is no greatest common factor?

If there is no common factor then the polynomial cannot be factorised. If there is no common factor then the polynomial cannot be factorised. If there is no common factor then the polynomial cannot be factorised. If there is no common factor then the polynomial cannot be factorised.

What is the need for factoring a polynomial?

Do you mean why do why do we factor a polynomial? If so, one reason is to solve equations. Another is to reduce radical expressions by cancelling out factors in the numerator and denominator.

What is the answer to mn5-m3n by factoring polynomial?
