23 minutes 4.6 seconds.
28+23+28+23 = 102 feet
Circumference of wheel in cm: 2900/23 Diameter of wheel: (2900/23)/pi = 40 cm rounded to the nearest integer
A=346.1850 cm2
Well, honey, the perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding up all the sides, so for your 23cm long and 10cm wide rectangle, you just add up all the sides: 23 + 23 + 10 + 10 = 66cm. Voilà, you've got yourself a perimeter!
How long dose it take to go 20 miles at 90 mph
21 miles / 55 mph = 0.38 hours, or 23 minutes
46 minutes.
23 minutes 4.61 seconds at 65 mph.
13 minutes 2.6 seconds.
15 hours 23 minutes @65 mph
43 minutes 23 seconds.
About 5 hours 23 minutes.
23 hours 4 minutes at 65 mph
7 minutes 23 seconds at 65 mph
2 hours 23 minutes.
27 minutes 36 seconds.