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Assuming the mathematical definition of "combination" (ie unordered sets) and the standard 26 letter Latin Alphabet as used by English:

There are 5 vowels and 21 consonants, giving:

For each vowel: a choice of 3 consonants from 21, giving 5 x 21 C 3 = 5 x (21x20x19)/(3x2x1) = 6650 combinations

[Other languages have different size alphabets and different vowel/consonants (eg Welsh, which uses the Latin Alphabet characters, has 7 vowels and 23 consonants.)]

If you have a subset of the full Latin Alphabet, or another Alphabet, then you'll need to supply the set of letters for which you wish an answer.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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Q: How many 4 letter combinations containing 3 consonants and 1 vowel can be made from this set if all the letters reload in a combination must be unique?
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How do you find the number of combinations of 6 letters?

The number of combinations of 6 letters is 6! or 720.

How many combinations can you make with 5 letters when letters can be repeated?

7,893,600 (seven million, 8 hundred ninety-three thousand, 600) combinations in English.

How many different arrangements of the letters APRIELT can be made using exactly 2 vowels and exactly 2 consonants?


How many license plate combinations from 3 digits followed by 3 letters?

There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.

How many combinations do you get when you have three letters and three numbers?

720 is the number of ways to combine three known letters and three known numbers.For example, the letters A, B & C and the numbers 1, 2 & 3. The total combinations of these 6 characters is:(6 options)*(5 options)*(4)*(3)*(2)*(1) = 720.However, if the three numbers and three letters are unknown and any number or letter is possible, and repeated numbers or letters are acceptable (such as with a license plate), then the total possibilities for each "space" are multiplied together:(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(10 possibilities)*(10 " ")*(10 " ") = 17,576,000 combinations.That is, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and 10 numbers (0 thru 9).This is assuming that three of the six spaces spaces are reserved for letters and three spaces are reservedfor numbers.If the combination can be any three letters and any three numbers where different combinations are made by changing whether each space contains a number or a letter, then the answer becomes a product and sum of different choose functions and is much more complicated...

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There is no word that can consist of 7 consonants and only have 3 letters. Consonants are letters.

How many letters in Tamil?

There are 247 letters in the Tamil alphabet, including combinations of vowels and consonants.

How many combinations with 4 letters?

256 iThink * * * * * It depends on combinations of how many. There is 1 combination of 4 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 3 letters out of 4, 6 combinations of 2 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 1 letter out of 4. Than makes 15 (= 24-1) in all. Well below the 256 suggested by the previous answer.

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In the phrase "bouquet of flowers," there are 12 letters. Out of these 12 letters, 7 are consonants (excluding the spaces). So the fraction of consonants in the phrase is 7/12.

How would you use consonants in a sentence?

Consonants are the letters of the alphabet that are not vowels.

What fraction part of the word 'claw' is consonants?

The word has four letters. All except "a" are consonants, or 3 out of 4. That means that 3/4 of the letters in that word are consonants.

Is consonants an adjective?

No, it is not an adjective. Consonants (non-vowel letters) is a plural noun.

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There are 2 consonants in the word "and" - the letters "n" and "d".

What language has the most letters?

Tamil has 247 letters in it. 12 vowels, 18 consonants, 18x12 vowel-consonants and 1 special letter.

How many words with or without meaning each of 2 vowels and 3 consonants can be formed from the letters of the word DAUGHTER?

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The question is invalid as consonants are individual letters that are not vowels . Therefore there are no consonants that end in es

Is the word Pick a vowel or consonant?

Vowels and consonants are letters, not words. In the word "pick", the letter "i" is a vowel and the other three letters are consonants.