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Any 5 from 7 is (7 x 6)/2 ie 21.

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Q: How many different five-person relay teams can be chosen from 7 students?
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How many different five-person relay teams can be chosen from 10 students?

C105 = 10 ! / (5!x(10-5)!) = 10! /5!2 = 252

Where is the relay for a 1995 Ford Explorer loacted?

Which relay were you looking for ? ( what does the relay control ? ) There must be 30 different relays throughout your Explorer in different locations

What is the volume of a Citroen Relay Van?

The volume of a Citroen Relay Van is from 8.0 cubic meters to 17 cubic meters with payloads ranging up to 2.0 tonnes. It depends on the version chosen, but it is the widest van in its sector for sure.

Where is the AC relay located on a Ford?

which model, year, and engine, they are all different. 1998 explorer 4.0 which relay in the box?

What is a relay in science?

A relay in science is an object or action that passes along a substance or information without altering it. For example, a radio relay would detect faint radio waves and rebroadcast them so that the signal can travel further. Another example, is when a teacher relays their knowledge to students.

Where is this relay located on the escort?

There are several different relays. Which do you mean?

What is the difference between an earth fault relay and an over current relay?

earth fault relay is also a type of over current relay but the set value of current or relay sensing current is much less than the maximum load over current relay relay sensing current ise than maximum load current mor

What is different thermal over load relay and thermally protected?

no difference

Why do hazard lights work but turn signal does not flash on 1996 Pontiac Bonneville?

You have a bad relay. Your blinkers run on a different relay than you hazards do.

Is a bimetallic strip a relay?

No, a bimetallic strip is not a relay. A bimetallic strip is a temperature-sensitive strip made of two different metals that expand at different rates when heated, causing the strip to bend. On the other hand, a relay is an electrically operated switch that uses an electromagnet to control the flow of current in a circuit.

Is an ac sensor the same as ac relay switch?

No, they are two different things.