There are 100,230 fours.
There are 100,230 fours.
There are 100,230 fours.
There are 100,230 fours.
There are 100229 threes and 100106 nines. A table of all the digit frequencies can be found at
well the first 9 digit number is 100 million 100,000,000 the last 9 digit number is 999 million 999,999,999 just minus the two numbers and you get... 899,999,999 so there are around 900 million 9 digit numbers.
there are8 0s
Seven will be more than enough.
There are 100230 '3's in the first million digits of pi.
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.
99,800 of them.
9 digits
Ten digits.
250 million = 250,000,000. There are 9 digits in this number.
100230, which includes the first one to the left of the decimal point.
7 digits.
Eight Digits: 30,000,000