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Seven will be more than enough.

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Q: How many hex digits are required to represent decimal numbers upto 4 million?
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How many hex digits are required represent decimal numbers up to 1 million?

5 digits will suffice.

How many hex digits are required to represent decimal numbers upto 1 million?

1 million < 165 so 6 digits would be enough.

How many hex digits are required to decimal numbers up to 1 million?

5 will be sufficient.

How many bits are needed to represent decimal value ranging from 0 to 12500?

how many bits are needed to represent decimal values ranging from 0 to 12,500?

How many hex digits are required to represent decimal numbers up to 1 million.proof the answer?

The answer depends on the degree of precision. If only integers are to be represented, then 6 digits would be enough because 165 = 1,048,576 is bigger than a million.

What do the numbers on the left of a decimal represent?

The previous number!

What is the convertion of FF hexadecimal to a decimal?

0xff = 16 x 15 + 15 = 255 The letters A-F are used to represent the decimal numbers 10-15 (respectively) which are required to be held in one hexadecimal digit.

When you use decimal which type of data is it?

Decimal numbers are real numbers. In C and C++ we use the float, double and long double data types to represent real numbers.

Is 1.21 is the smallest decimal?

No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.21: each one will be smaller than 1.21

Is 1.02 is the smallest decimal?

No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.02: each one will be smaller than 1.02

How does BCD differ from the straight binary number system?

To consider the difference between straight binary and BCD, the binary numbers need to be split up into 4 binary digits (bits) starting from the units. In 4 bits there are 16 possible values from 0000 to 1111 (0 to 15). In straight binary all of these possible combinations are used, thus: 4 bits can represent the decimal numbers 0-15 8 bits can represent the decimal numbers 0-255 12 bits can represent the decimal numbers 0-4095 16 bits can represent the decimal numbers 0-65535 etc In arithmetic, all combinations of bits are used, thus: 0000 1001 + 0001 = 0000 1010 In BCD or Binary Coded Decimal, only the representations of the decimal numbers 0-9 are used (that is 0000 to 1001 in binary), and the 4-bits (nybbles) are read as decimal digits, thus: 4 bits can represent the decimal digits 0-9 8 bits can represent the decimal digits 0-99 12 bits can represent the decimal digits 0-999 16 bits can represent the decimal digits 0-9999 In arithmetic, only the representations of decimal numbers are used, thus: 0000 1001 + 0001 = 0001 0000 When BCD is used each half of a byte is read directly as a decimal digit. BCD is obviously inefficient as storage (for large numbers) as each nybble is only holding 3/8 of the possible numbers, however, it is sometimes easier and quicker to work with decimal digits (for example when there is lots of display of counting numbers to do there is less binary to decimal conversion needing to be done).

How many bits are required in decimal numbers in range 0 to 999 using Straight binary code and BCD code?

10 bits would be required. 10 bits long (10 digits long) can represent up to 1024.