The difference is that rational numbers stay with the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.247247247247... While an irrational number is continuous but does not keep the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.123456789...
It belongs to the set ofrational numbers,decimal fractions,improper fractions (in decimal form),real numbers,complex numbers,quaternions.
They can be integers, rational numbers or even approximations for irrational numbers.
If you convert them into decimal form you can say there are terminating decimals, there are the integers, and there are repeating decimals. EX: 2.4 is a terminating decimal. 2.44444444... is a repeating decimal. 2 is an integer. all are rational numbers.
Exactly the way you would divide them if they were whole numbers and not decimals. The only extra trick to learn is how to decide where to put the decimal point in the quotient.
1 million < 165 so 6 digits would be enough.
5 will be sufficient.
how many bits are needed to represent decimal values ranging from 0 to 12,500?
Oh, that's a wonderful question! To represent decimal numbers up to 1 million in hexadecimal, you would need about 4 hex digits. Hexadecimal is base 16, so each digit can represent 16 different values (0-9 and A-F), making it an efficient way to represent large numbers in a compact form. Just imagine those beautiful hex digits coming together like little puzzle pieces to create the number 1 million - what a happy little number!
The answer depends on the degree of precision. If only integers are to be represented, then 6 digits would be enough because 165 = 1,048,576 is bigger than a million.
The previous number!
0xff = 16 x 15 + 15 = 255 The letters A-F are used to represent the decimal numbers 10-15 (respectively) which are required to be held in one hexadecimal digit.
To write 65.1 million in numbers, you would write it as 65,100,000. This is because the "65" represents the whole number part, the ".1" represents the tenths place, and "million" signifies the magnitude of the number. Therefore, you place the decimal point after the 1 in 65.1 and add six zeros to represent the million.
Decimal numbers are real numbers. In C and C++ we use the float, double and long double data types to represent real numbers.
To calculate the product of 200 million and 10 million, you multiply the two numbers together. This can be done by multiplying the two non-decimal numbers first, which equals 2 trillion, and then adding the total number of decimal places in the original numbers (14 in this case) to determine the placement of the decimal point. Therefore, 200 million times 10 million equals 2,000,000,000,000.
No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.21: each one will be smaller than 1.21
No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.02: each one will be smaller than 1.02