

How many fractions are between 1 and 2?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Since the number scale is continuous, there is an infinite amount.

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Q: How many fractions are between 1 and 2?
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9 1/2 is one of infinitely many fractions between 12 and 1.

What are the fractions between 1 and 2?

There are infinitely many fractions between 1 and 2 and I have no intention of even starting to list them.

What fraction is between 12 and 1?

9 1/2 is one of infinitely many fractions between 12 and 1.

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If you are asking how many different fractions lie in this range the answer is an infinite amount. If you are asking what fraction lies in the center it is 1/2

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Any one of the infinitely many proper fractions is a rational number between 1 and 0.

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There are infinitely many fractions between 1/6 and 2/6. For example 13/60.

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its 0.5 because haLF OF 1 IS 0.5

What are the fractions between one half and one whole?

there are an infinite amount of fractions between any two numbers (including the interval [1/2,1]). eg. you can divide the distance between 1/2 and 1 (1-1/2)=1/2 in 2 parts(1/4), and one of those parts into 2 parts(1/8), and so on (approaching 0)

What is the fraction between 0 and one half?

1/4 is half-way between 0 and 1/2. There are infinitely many other fractions that are also between 0 and 1/2 such as 1/3,1/5, 2/5, 1/6,1/7,2/7,3/7 to name a few.

2 fractions equivalent to 1 8?

2 fractions equivalent to 1/8

What is the halfway between fractions?

Halfway between two fractions would be the average of the two fractions, so add the two fractions together and divide by two! Let's take 1/2 and 3/4 as an example. Add 1/2 (or 2/4) and 3/4 and you get 5/4. Now divide by two ( or multiply the bottom part by two) and your answer is 5/8!

What is between the fraction 1 8 and 1 4?

To find the fractions that are between 1/8 and 1/4, change the fractions to a like denominator. 1/8 equals 2/16 1/4 equals 4/16 3/16 is between 1/8 and 1/4.