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sum_of_interior_angles = (number_of_sides - 2) x 180o

⇒ number_of_sides = sum_of_interior_angles ÷ 180o + 2

= 1260o ÷ 180o + 2

= 9

A shape with 9 sides is a nonagon.

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Q: How many sides does a polygon have if the sum of its interior angles is 1260?
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How many sides does a polygon have if the interior angles equal 1260?

Sum of interior angles of a polygon = (2n - 4)right angles 1260 = (2n - 4) x 90 1260 = 180n - 360 900 = 180n n = 5, it is a pentagon

What polygon has the sum of 1260 as interior angles?

A nonagon which has 9 sides

What is the measures of a polygon with n sides is 1260?

The interior angles of a 1260 sided polygon add up to 226,440 degrees and its exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

What is the number of sides of this polygon whose sum of the interior angles is 1260?

1260 degrees is 14 right angles. The interior angles of an n-sided polygon always total 2n - 4 right angles. In this case 2n - 4 = 14 so n = 9, its an enneagon!

What polygon has interior angles adding up to 1260?

It is a nonagon whose 9 interior angles add up to 1260 degees

What is the number of sides of a convex polygon whose sum of the measures of its interior angles is 1260?

The relevant formula for the sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon is (n - 2)(180) degrees, where n is the number of sides. In this instance, 180 n - 360 = 1260, or 180n = 1620, or n = 9.

What regular polygon has the sum of its interior angles add up to 1260?

It is a regular 9 sided polygon whose 9 interior angles add up to 1260 degrees

What polygon has an interior angle of 1260?

A nonagon or a polygon with 9 sides.

What is the angle sum of a polygon with 9 sides?

9099 * * * * * The sum of the interior angles is (9 - 2)*180 = 1260 degrees.

What is the name of polygon that has 40 degrees exterior angle and have an interior angles has 1260 degrees?

It has 9 sides and is called a nonagon

If the sum of the interior angle measures of a polygon is 1260 how many sides does the polygon have?

We solve the equation for n... since the sum of the interior angles is 180(n-2) where n is the number of sides of the polygon. So we have: 180(n-2)=1260 n-2=7 n=9 So 9 sides

What is the sum of angles in a 9-sided polygon?

(n-2)*180 = sum of interior angles of any polygon where n = number of sides. (9-2)*180 = 1260 degrees.