The empty set has only one subset: itself. It has no proper subsets.
It depends on the set x. If set x is of cardinality n (it has n elements) then it has 2n subsets.
A set with n elements has 2n subsets. The number of proper subsets is one less, since 2n includes the set itself.
In a set, as it is usually defined, elements can't be repeated. "Mathematics" has 8 distinct letters, so your set would have 8 letters. The number of possible subsets (this includes the empty set, and the set itself) is two to the power 8.
A finite set with N distinct elements has 2N subsets.
If you have a set of 6 elements, you can make a total of 26 different subsets - including the empty set and the set itself.
If you include the empty set (as you should) there are 48.
An empty subset is a part of every set because it is necessary to satisfy the equation of subsets which is 2n. n= (number of elements). Therefore, an empty set is required to satisfy the formula of subsets.
Yes it is. Everything in the empty set (which is nothing of course) is also in the empty set. If it's not in the empty set, it's not in the empty set. The empty set has no propersubsets, though, or subsets that are different from it.
yes, if the set being described is empty, we can talk about proper and improper subsets. there are no proper subsets of the empty set. the only subset of the empty set is the empty set itself. to be a proper subset, the subset must be strictly contained. so the empty set is an improper subset of itself, but it is a proper subset of every other set.
No. The empty is the a subset of every set and every set is a subset of itself.
The only subsets of the set containing 5564 is the empty set and the set {5564}.
A set of four elements has 24 subsets, since for every element there are two options: it may, or may not, be in a subset. This set of subsets includes the empty set and the original set, and everything in between.
8 subsets
The null set is a proper subset of any non-empty set.
The only subsets of the set comprising 1.68 are {} [the empty set], and {1.68} [the set containing 1.68].
An element doesn't have subsets. Sets can have subsets.