16 goes into 72 4 times with a remainder of 8 or 4.5 times
72/5. You have to calculate how many times 5 will go into 72 evenly (you may have left over numbers). So 5 goes into 72, 14 times with 2 left over. so the Mixed number will be 14 2/5. you take the left over numbers and make the numerator, over the original denominator. hehe.
77.50 times
8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80
175 times
72 divided by 16 = 4.5 Therefore 16 does not go into 72 without decimals
4 with remainder 8.
1 with remainder 16.
4.5 times because 72 divided by 16 is 4.5.
how many times can 72 go into 204
72 times.
To find out how many times 72 can go into 612, you would divide 612 by 72. The result is 8.5, which means that 72 can go into 612 8 times with a remainder of 36. Therefore, 72 can go into 612 exactly 8 times.
Well, darling, 56 goes into 72 just once. That's it, no more, no less. Simple math, no need to complicate things.
4 goes into 72: 18 times
It goes: 540/72 = 7.5 times
72 divided by 2 = 36 Therefore 2 goes in 36 times.