72 divided by 16 = 4.5 Therefore 16 does not go into 72 without decimals
4 with remainder 8.
72 + 16% = 72*116/100 = 83.52
16 is what percent of 72:= 16 / 72= 0.222222Converting decimal to a percentage:0.222222 * 100 = 22.22%
72 / 16 x 100 = 450
72 divided by 16 = 4.5 Therefore 16 does not go into 72 without decimals
4 with remainder 8.
56 goes into 72 once with remainder 16.
1 with remainder 16.
you are 16+40+72
16 goes into 72 4 times with a remainder of 8 or 4.5 times
2 with remainder 16.
72 + 16% = 72*116/100 = 83.52
16/72 is 2/9
16 is what percent of 72:= 16 / 72= 0.222222Converting decimal to a percentage:0.222222 * 100 = 22.22%