There are 40,320 ways to arrange eight letters. In this case, around sixty of those ways will result in English words.
There are 4 distinguishable letters in the word fish, so there is 4! or 24 different ways can you arrange the letters in the word fish.
60 ways.
24 ways
There are six different ways to arrange the letters XYZ... XYZ XZY YXZ YZX ZXY ZYX
There are 40,320 ways to arrange eight letters. In this case, around sixty of those ways will result in English words.
There are 8 letters in "geometry", so there are 8! (factorial) ways to arrange them in different permutations. 8! = 40,320 permutations.
24 ways.
There are 3360 ways.
There are 30 ways.
24 ways
There are 4 distinguishable letters in the word fish, so there is 4! or 24 different ways can you arrange the letters in the word fish.