A yard is 3feet. A square yard is 3feet x 3feet; therefore, a square yard is 9sqaure feet.
5feet x 4feet is equal to 20sqare feet. To calculate the area in square yards, devide 20 square feet by 9 square feet. The answer, therefore, is 2.22 square yards.
If it's a rectangle, then the area = (12 x 7) = 84 square feet = 9 and 1/3 square yards
The volume of a cylinder 8 feet long by 3 feet wide is: 56.5 cubic feet.
Depends on how wide the bolt of fabric is. A "yard" of fabric will always be three feet long, but it may be varyingly wide.
8 square yards.
30.55 square yards.
6.66 square yards.
An NBA court is 94 feet long by 50 feet wide, or 31.333 yards long by 16.667 yards wide.
5 square yards.
46.22 square yards.
725 yards
84 yards ie 252 feet
There are: 1760 times 6 = 5280 square yards after changing the feet into yards
36 square yards.
162 cubic feet.
None. How wide are your 200 feet? Call it n feet then square yards = 200n/9