7 quarters and 11 nickles
how much is 238.5 worth
Well, friend, to make $1.50, you can use a variety of coins like three quarters (each worth 25 cents), or six dimes (each worth 10 cents), or even fifteen nickels (each worth 5 cents). Just mix and match those coins like colors on a canvas, and you'll have your $1.50 in no time. Happy coin counting!
If Keoki has 14 quarters and 8 dimes (for a total of 22 coins), she has $3.50 and $0.80 or $4.30 in coins. If Keoki has 15 quarters and 7 dimes (for a total of 22 coins), she has $3.75 and $0.70 or $4.45 in coins. If Keoki has 22 coins that are all dimes and quarters and their value in total is $4.35 as asked, there isn't a combination of coins that will permit her to have both 22 coins and $4.35 worth of coins.
28 quarters= $7.00 177 nickels= $8.85 7 pennies= $0.07 Total= 7.00+8.85+.07 = $15.92
2,000,000 quarters is worth $500,000.
256 quarters are worth 64 dollars.
those are not half dollars but rather bicenntenial IKE dollars they are worth about a dollar
160 quarters is 40.
46 quarters = $11.50
10,000 Quarters is worth $2,500
how much do quarters 1777 worth
3 million quarters are worth $750,000.
Nine quarters adds up to $2.25.
Painted quarters worth 25 cents....you didn't hit the JACKPOT! .... LOL