If divided equally, one fourth of a pound.
When dividing imperial measurements, it can help to convert them first into smaller imperial measurements. In this case we can convert the pound into 16 ounces, as there are 16 ounces in a pound. Thus the question asks what is 1/8 x 1/2 x 16 oz. To multiply fractions, you multiply numerator and denominator. Thus the question simplifies to 16/16 oz, which =1. Therefore, one eighth of half a pound is 1 ounce.
it works when comparing fractions by multiplying the fractions to see whitch one is greater not greater and equal
Rule #1 When two fractions have the same denominator, the bigger fraction is the one with the bigger numerator. Rule # 2 When comparing fractions that have the same numerator, the bigger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator. Rule # 3 You can convert the fractions and then just put the greater than, less than or equal to sign to see what the comparison is between the fractions.
A tenth of a pound of yeast.
It is 4/100, which can be simplified but it can be worth waiting to see if there are other fractions of a pound to be added or subtracted.
3 ounces is 3/16 of a pound
One pound of anything weighs one pound.
one pound = 13CNY
A hundredth of a pound = 1 penny, is used in routine transactions. Smaller fractions are not normally used but in currency transactions, millionths of a pound may be used in setting rates.
one pound is 450grams
one pound
Seriously, one pound of weed equals one pound.
Probably about one pound.
one pound or 16 oz
one British pound = 1.12313919 Euros
how much was one pound worth in 1938