One US Dollar is equal to seventy-five hundredths of a Euro as of August, 2014. Conversely, one Euro is equal to one and thirty-three hundredths US Dollars.
August 2008: 1 euro is 1.58 US dollars. 1 US dollar is 0.6329 euros.
As of today's date which is August 18, 2014 one Euro is equal to one dollar and thirty four cents. The Euro is the currency which replaced the currency of several European countries.
$1.27959 $1.27959
A dollar can be reached by adding coins together in the following ways, using ten coins or fewer: 1. A one-dollar coin. 2. Two half dollars. 3. One half dollar and two quarters. 4. One half dollar, one quarter, two dimes and one nickel. 5. One half dollar, one quarter, two dimes and five pennies. 6. One half dollar, one quarter, one dime and three nickels. 7. One half dollar, one quarter and five nickels. 8. One half dollar and five dimes. 9. One half dollar, four dimes and two nickels. 10. One half dollar, three dimes and four nickels. 11. One half dollar, two dimes and six nickels. 12. Four quarters. 13. Three quarters, two dimes and one nickel. 14. Three quarters, two dimes and five pennies. 15. Three quarters and five nickels. 16. Two quarters and five dimes. 17. Two quarters, four dimes and two nickels. 18. Two quarters, three dimes and four nickels. 19. Two quarters, two dimes and six nickels. 20. One quarter, seven dimes and one nickel. 21. One quarter, six dimes and three nickels. 22. Ten dimes. 23. One half dollar, one quarter, one dime, two nickels and five pennies
As of the close of markets on 18 August, 2014, the value of one Euro in US Dollars was 1.34. This means that one USD was equal to 0.75 Euros.
one us dollar is 0.7054 euros.
Spain uses the Euro as its unit of currency. One dollar is about .6965 euros today in May 2011.
As of Jan 16, 4:25 PM, its 0.79 euros in one dollar.
One dollar is about 75 cents in Euros. Or about $1.33 dollars for a Euro.
Right now, one American dollar is equal to 0.697885407 Euros.
1 dollar = 1 dollar or 1 dollar= .75 euros
Today, February 12, 2014, one US dollar is worth .74 Euros.
it's 0,08 euros
1 US dollar is equal to 0.7130 euros
As of today, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro is approximately 1 USD to 0.85 EUR. This means that one US dollar is worth about 0.85 euros.
1 US dollar = 0.6993 euros(5/9/2011)for future reference, you can google currency conversions. For example, if you wanted to know how many dollars 50 euros was, google "50 euros to USD"
There weren't any euros in 1885.