August 2008: 1 euro is 1.58 US dollars. 1 US dollar is 0.6329 euros.
One US Dollar is equal to seventy-five hundredths of a Euro as of August, 2014. Conversely, one Euro is equal to one and thirty-three hundredths US Dollars.
The current rate is .80 Euro to the US Dollar. That means that one Euro is equal to $1.24.
63.236855 U.S. dollars
One Dollar
As of the close of markets on 18 August, 2014, the value of one Euro in US Dollars was 1.34. This means that one USD was equal to 0.75 Euros.
one dollar26 cents
One Euro.
Today, the 1st of June, my converter says 1 € = 1.219 USD
As of May 1st, 2009, one Euro = $1.32 US Dollars.
One US Dollar is equal to seventy-five hundredths of a Euro as of August, 2014. Conversely, one Euro is equal to one and thirty-three hundredths US Dollars.
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.
Since a US gallon is approximately 3.78 liters, you would need to multiply the cost of 1 liter (1.30 Euro) by 3.78 to find the cost of a US gallon. This would give you a cost of approximately 4.91 Euro for a US gallon of gas.
Day 1= 53 euro or $67.31 US Day 2= 114 euro or $144.78 US Day 3= 141 euro or $179.07 US Day 4= 167 euro or $212.09 US Day 5= 185 euro or $234.95 US These prices are up to date as of 5/23/2012
154.22 euro
1 Euro is 1.57 US Dollars in June 2008.
one euro is worth 1.2795 in the US.