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Q: If the perfect square terms are A2 and B2 then the other term must be?
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The square root of a perfect square is an integer?

Yes it is.Since the square of an integer is called a perfect square, then the square root of a perfect square must be an integer.

What is a perfect square and perfect cubed number?

To find a number that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube, we must solve x2 = x3 over x ∈Z+. The only two solutions to this equation are 0 and 1, or x = {0,1}. Therefore, zero and one are the only two numbers that are both perfect squares and perfect cubes. --In easier terms: a perfect square is a number that can be "square rooted" and have no remainder. Like, 144. The square root is 12 therefore 144 is a perfect square. A perfect Cube is the same except that it must be "cubed rooted". Like 27. The cube root of this number is 3 therefore 27 is a perfect cube.

Is 2 a perfect square?

To be a perfect square, a number must have a square root that evaluates to an integer. The square root of 2 is approximately equal to 1.414, thus it is not a perfect square.

Is the product of two perfect squares sometimes a perfect square?

yes..always a perfect square A perfect square is the product of an integer by itself. If you multiply a perfect square x² by another perfect square y² you get x²y² = x·x·y·y = x·y·x·y = (x·y)² which is a perfect square. Note that the product of two integers will also be an integer so x·y must be an integer because if x² and y² are perfect squares x must be an integer and y must be an integer and x·y is therefore a product of 2 integers.

What least number must be added to 5607 to make the sum a perfect square find theperfect square of its square root?

5607 + 18 = 5625, a perfect square. The perfect square of a square root is the number you started with.

What must be added to 452664 to make it a perfect square?

Sqrt of 453664 is 672 and a bit.So next square is 673 squared, ie 452929, so 265 must be added.

Why is 50 not a perfect square?

A perfect square has the condition that it must be any positive integer multiplied by itself. The closest perfect squares to 50 are 7*7 = 72 = 49 and 8*8 = 82 = 64 since 50 lies between 49 and 64, it must be it is not the square of a positive integer and, therefore, is not a perfect square.

In a difference of squares problem terms must be perfect squares?


In a difference of squares problem both terms must be what squares?


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What is a four-digit number that is a perfect square and perfect cube?

For a number to be a perfect square and a perfect cube, it must be a perfect sixth power. Now 36 = 729 is too small and 56 = 15625 is too large, leaving 46 = 4096 as the answer.

What must be added to 45664 to make it a perfect square?

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