For a number to be a perfect square and a perfect cube, it must be a perfect sixth power.
Now 36 = 729 is too small and 56 = 15625 is too large, leaving 46 = 4096 as the answer.
729, cube of 9 and square of 27
It is 64 which is also a square number
If by cube you mean perfect cube (a cube of an integer), then no, and the nearest perfect cube is 81.
There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.
It is both because 1,000,000 is a perfect cube and a perfect square number
The square root of a perfect square and the cube root of a perfect cube is always an integer. A perfect square is a number multiplied by itself. A perfect cube is a number multiplied by itself twice. Example: 3 x 3 is 9, the square of 3 3 x 3 x 3 is 27, the cube of 3
729, cube of 9 and square of 27
It is the smallest composite number that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube.
0. 0 is a perfect square as well as a perfect cube. And 011 = 0. The next number will be 1.
No but it is a perfect square number because its square root is 13
The square root of any number which is not a perfect square;The cube root of any number which is not a perfect cube;Pi, the circular constant.e, the natural logarithm base number.
Because they are square/cube of an integer.