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Not always. If two angles are congruent then they simply have equal measure.

They must only be right angles if they are supplementary, that is, they must both add up to 180 degrees.

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Q: If two angles are congruent then they are both right angles?
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What is it call when two angles are both congruent and supplementary?

Right angles.

What are two angles called when they are both congruent and supplementary?

Right angles

Are vertical angles congruent or supplementary angles?

Vertical angles are always, by definition, congruent. Note: If the two vertical angles are right angles then they are both congruent and supplementary.

What is the four right angles theorem?

The theorem states "If two angles are both supplementary and congruent, then they are right angles."

What has No congruent sides but two right angles?

A right trapezoid can have no congruent sides and two right angles.

If two angles are right,they are congruent.ConverseInverseContrapositive?

if numbers grow too large to represent at the fixed level of precision

Are any two right triangles are congruent?

Yes if they both have the same dimensions and angles

Are both pairs of opposite angles congruent of a kite?

Only the two angles which are connected by the shorter diagonal will be congruent. The other two angles will not necessarily be congruent.

Which one is incorrect for two triangles to be congruent?

If two angles are equal in measurement then they are congruent as for example the interior angles of a square are congruent because they are all right angles.

Are two right angles congruent?


What does it mean for angles and segments to be congruent?

Two angles are congruent if they both measure exactly the same number of degrees. Two line segments are congruent if they both have exactly the same length.

If two angles are obtuse then they must be congruent.?

Not always because 98 degrees and 140 degrees are both obtuse angles that are not congruent but angles 150 degrees and 150 degrees are both obtuse angles that are congruent.