You have to find out what the unknown number is. Example: x= 2y-4 y=12 What this is saying is you have to find out what x is if y is 12. So the sum reads 2x12-4. X=20
Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.
only if u don't know maths
algebra is just more developed and difficult maths. it may seem pointless all though it proves you have good maths skills because algebra consists of addition subtraction multiplication ect. Qualities needed for a job in accountancy and further math related jobs.
Algebra is the basis of maths you can use it to solve unknown terms such as x. For example: 3x - 3 = 0 3x = 3 x = 1
yes. to understand the higher maths you need pre algebra
Because Algebra is the foundation of Calculus, and Calculus is the fundamental measurement of the Universe.
To find out what the missing link is.
Algebra is used anywhere in maths. It is mainly used for writing things short hand so we can do it quicker. It is very handy and I like using it.
algebra or pre-algebra. depends on the grade. 7th is pre-algebra and 8th is algebra.
maths is very important yoy need strong algebra and trigonormitry
Geometry and some algebra
Although it is more logical and closer to science than maths, boolean algebra can be used with normal algebra on planes, and it uses variables.
Science primarily uses algebra and calculus.
Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.