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Q: In algebra What is the term used to describe the number in front of a variable called?
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What is the symbol used to represent a number in algebra called?


In algebra what is a letter or symbol used t represent a number of quantities that vary?

It is called a variable.

What does algebra letters mean?

a variable (an unknown number/ any number).

What is a variable in math?

What is a Variable in Math?A variable in math is part of algebra and it is a symbol or letter that represents a number.

What is the meaning of the algebra term variable?

variable is the unknown number. usually represented as a letter

Is any value that is set and cannot change a variable?

No, it is called a constant. For example, in algebra, all number values are constants.

What is an algebra expression you replace each variable with a number?

evaluation, evaluate.

What is an expression that is a number and a variable or a product of a number and one or more variables?

In Algebra a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together.

What is a variable in algebra?

A variable is a symbol that represents an unknown or changeable number, typically a letter such as x, y, and z.

What is a variation in algebra?

A variable is a letter that represents a number. Ex: 13.52=t

What is the definition of dissimilar term in algebra?

dissimilar terms are terms that do not have the same variable or the variable do not contain the same number of exponents

What does a number and two letters mean in algebra?

Generally speaking, a letter in algebra refers to a variable, that is, it is a placeholder for any specific value that can be used in that equation.In algebra syntax, a number next to a variable, or a variable next to another variable, with no explicit arithmetic symbol between them, mean to multiply the two values.So:2aMeans to multiply the variable value of "a" by two.In your question:2aball values should be multiplied. So, the result would be 2 times the variable value of "a" times the variable value of "b".