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Q: In the two triangles all angles equal 60 degrees and AB equals EF Are the two triangles congruent?
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The angles of all triangles equals how many degrees?


Do all triangles equals 180?

A triangle doesn't equal 180, but the sum of the internal angles of every triangle equals 180 degrees.

Can a trianle have a right angle?

A triangle has three sides and three angles. Right angled triangles are triangles in which the measure of one angle equals 90 degrees

What is the measure of one interior angle of a 21-agon?

Assume each side forms the base of an isosceles triangle with its peak at the center, so the entire figure is 21 triangles with their tips all meeting. The center has 360 degrees divided by the 21 tips of the triangles, so each tip is 360/21 = 17.143 degrees. This means that the base angles of each triangle are 81.429 degrees (180 - 17.143 = base angles sum to 162.857, divide by two since they're congruent and each angle = 81.429 degrees). Since the interior angle equals the sum of the base angles of two adjacent triangles, the answer is 81.429 * 2 = 162.857 degrees.

Sum of the angles of triangles?

The sum of the internal angles always equals 180o

What is the sum of the angles in equals side three triangles?

the sum of the angle sin one triangle is 180, so the sum in three triangles would be 180x3, which is 540 degrees. Hope i helped XD

How is a square similar to a rhombus?

they are both 4 sided figueres...both figures angles add up to 360 degrees, they both have congruent angles (square has 4 equals,rhombus has 2 pairs)

How many degres are there in a triangle?

The easiest way to find out how many degrees in any shape is 180*(n-2) where n equals the number of angles in the shape. Thus, triangles have 180 degrees.

What is the total interior angle of aregular polygon if t equals 20 triangles can be drawn inside the polygon?

The total angles will be 3600 degrees, because each triangle will have 180 degrees total.

What triangle has no equals angles or sides?

Those are called 'scalene' triangles.

Why is the tangent of 45 equals 1?

Let's look at an right isosceles triangle (where the base angles measure 45 degrees, and legs are congruent). So that, tan 45 degrees = leg/leg = 1

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the sum onf the interior angles equals 2700 degrees?

2700⁰/180⁰ = 15 (triangles)So the polygon has 17 sides.