Yes. If the numerator (on top) is higher or equal to the denominator (bottom) than its an improper fraction. If the numerator and denominator are the same then the fraction is considered a whole number and always comes out 1. If the numerator is higher than the denominator then you must divide the numerator by the denominator.
42/7 is an improper fraction.
1/5 has no improper fraction and 2/5 has no imporper fraction
To convert a decimal to an improper fraction, you first write the decimal as a fraction with the decimal as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. In this case, 4.5 can be written as 4.5/1. To convert this to an improper fraction, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10 to get 45/10. Simplifying this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5 gives us the improper fraction 9/2.
9.555... repeating as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 86/9
Oh, dude, the reciprocal of a fraction is just flipping it upside down. So, for 3 and 5 over 9, you'd get 9 over 3 and 5, which simplifies to 3 over 1 and 2/3. Math can be fun, like a puzzle you didn't ask for!
4 and 8 over 9 as an improper fraction is 44 over 9. Hope this helped!!
2 4/9 as an improper fraction is 22/9.
4 and 2/9 as an improper fraction is 38/9
9/4 is already expressed as an improper fraction
improper fraction of 3 - 7 over 9 = 34/9 3 7/9:= [(9 * 3)+7]/9= [27+7]/9= 34/9 in improper fraction
12 over 9 is a improper fraction and it equals 1 and 3 over 9
It is 50/9
79 over 9
2 and 1/9 is 19/9 as an improper fraction