

Is learning a trial and error?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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No learning is actually good for you it helps you get a good career and an amazing future!(:

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Q: Is learning a trial and error?
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Learning by the trial and error method was discovered by?

Learning by "trial and error method" was discovered by - THORNDIKE

Which theorist believed that most of learning occurred by trial and error?

Thorndike believed that most learning is done through trial and error.

Trial and error examples?

Experiments are based on trial and error process. So is learning for most organisms is based on trial and error. Some people say evolution is based on trail and error as well.

Learning through trial an error is often referred to as what type of learning?

Learning through trial and error is often referred to as experiential learning. This type of learning involves hands-on experiences, problem-solving, and reflecting on outcomes to gain knowledge and insight.

Learning through trial and error is often referred to as?

Instrumental learning

Learning was largely a matter of what to the Gestalt psychologists?

trial and error

For trial-and-error learning to take place an animal receives what?

A reward :)

What would be considered least important in the process of social learning?

trial and error

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Trial and error

Trial and error learning is also known as?

Being clever :) stop cheating on bio homework @:)

Is blinking a habit a reflex a conditional response trial and error learning or an instinct?

It is a reflex for it is involuntary and voluntary.

What is insight learning?

Insight learning is a type of learning characterized by sudden realization or understanding of a problem that allows for its solution without the need for trial and error. It was studied by psychologist Wolfgang Kohler using chimpanzees, who were observed to solve complex problems through sudden insight rather than incremental learning.