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Q: Is the properties of a metal are related to bonds true or false?
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Why is actinium a metal?

Actinium is a metal because has metallic bonds and the properties of a metal.

How do metallic bonds give metal their properties?

by botox

What are three properties of metal that are a result of metallic bonds?

electrical conductivity, malleability, & ductility.

Is it true or false Metal alloys are made in order to use the best properties of each metal?

Yes, it is correct.

Is a gold ring a good conductor of electricity what kind of bonds does gold have . How do these bonds explain golds properties?

It would be a good conductor. With bonds that explain gold's properties

What metals can bond with hydrogen?

Hydrogen is not a metal. It is a non-metal.

What properties of metals contribute to their tendency to form metallic bonds?

One of the properties of metals is their tendency to lose valence electrons, in order for another metal to have complete valence electrons.

What Metal Bonds Form Ionic Bonds?

metal and nonmetal metal and metal It should also be noted that not all ionic bonds have metals in them.

What are the properties of a mellalic bond?

Metallic bonds are formed only between metal atoms. Further, unlike any other type of chemical bonding, metallic bonds contain a 'sea' of electrons.

Metallic bonds are formed from the sharing of valence electrons.?


What is unique about ionic bonds?

Ionic bonds are unique in that they are strong bonds between a metal and an non-metal in the periodic table. The metal takes the electrons from the non-metal instead of covalent bonds which electrons are shared.

What are chemical properties of metal?

Some chemical properties of metals are that they have good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metal also form positive ions or cations and ionic bonds. When exposed to air and moisture, many metals tend to corrode.