Draw a rectangle in the ratio of 1:2 eg sides of 5cm & 10cm. Bisect both the longer sides and join their mid points with a straight line. Draw a diagonal.
This gives you 2 squares, 2 big triangles and 2 small triangle (1 in each square)
Make a two by two grid with six toothpicks, and then place the other two toothpicks at a 45 degree angle on the corner of two of the squares.
draw a big triangle then make a line halfway through it
you can't, because the Pythagorean theorem is for right triangles and the triangles formed by the diagonal of a parallelogram are not right triangles.
We can get 29 by using their squares like: (42 + 32 + 22) / 1 = 29
Draw one square. Join the midpoint of each side to the midpoint of the adjacent sides. The resulting figure meets the requirements.
Regular tessellations can be made using triangles, squares, and hexagons.
no,we can divide the figure into squares,rectangles and triangles
Using the first four lines, draw a square. Now use the next two lines to bisect the square both horizontally and vertically. You now have one square divided into four smaller squares. Use the last two lines to diagonally bisect two of the four smaller squares. There you go.
Yes, by intersecting them.
it can/t be
There is no specific name. Using a single straight line, a rectangle can be halved into triangles, smaller rectangles, or pentagons. There are infinitely many possibilities using more than one lines in the cut.
not posiable
Straight lines on paper can be drawn by using the edge of a ruler (or straight-edge) and a pencil.
He mowed the lawn in perfectly straight lines.