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Yes, by intersecting them.

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Q: How can you make four triangles by using two lines?
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If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles?

If you draw a single square, and then put one X through it, you have 4 triangles. Put another X through it and you have 8. Now, if you want to make four triangles, simply remove the two diagonal lines in the center, and it will create four triangles. Now, since they're separated by the other triangles, it would mean removing four lines, but that is still your answer.

What shape can you make using four equilateral triangles?

A parallelogram.

Can you make ten triangles using only two lines on a star?

it can/t be

How do you make four triangles out of a quadrilateral by a line through it?

You cannot make four triangles our of a quadrilateral by ONE line through it. One line can give you at most two triangles. Two lines, each running from one vertex of the quadrilateral to the opposite vertex, will give 4 triangles.

How can you make three equilateral triangles using six lines?

draw a big triangle then make a line halfway through it

How do you make 4 triangles with 6 toothpicks?

using four of them you make a square then using the remaining two make a criss cross in the middle of the square.

Can 4 triangles make a rectangle?

Yes, Four Triangles make a rectangle.

Can you make a octagon with four triangles?

Yes. 4 Triangles Can Turn Into 8 Triangles.

How do you make 5 triangles from a pentagon with 2 lines?

you can't

Which 2 shapes make up a square pyramid?

Triangles (four of) and a square.One square as base and four triangles as sides.

How do diagonals of quadrilaterals make a triangle?

They make four triangles, not a triangle.